5th floor

Yesterday afternoon, the sun lazily throwing stones at New Road Jiulongpo Jiro BRT station near a high-rise residential,http://www.in-island.com/~dolphin/tajiribbs/light.cgi, two buildings in the flower bed under, three days before being overwhelmed shrubs gradually restored to life. 6:00 is too early in the morning on the 1st,giubbino peuterey uomo, 9-year-old Yong (a pseudonym) falling from the balcony of the chamber 18-5. Peril, air conditioners contralateral 15th floor balcony outside the frame, 5th and 3rd floor and downstairs flower bed in the laying of a plastic pipe to "save" him,moncler uomo outlet, so when he fell into the floor between two residential flower bed in the bottom, he could shout "Help." After three days of intensive care, Yong turned the corner.

"Should be grateful to the value of the security early morning, immediately took off his coat cover their children, and also ran upstairs to call the parents." Mother of Miss Long 10:00 yesterday to see children from the intensive care unit to a general ward,air max pas cher, a long sigh of breath.

Boy falls inexplicable morning

9-year-old Yong home in Guang'an, parents Jiulongpo business seven or eight years. Three years ago, a primary school Yong came Jiro, cheerful, excellent academic performance. In December last year, his family moved into a new house.

According to Yong's uncle dragon small army memories, at 20 o'clock on October 31 before, adult home entertainment cards, sensible mother Yong also hammer back.

November 1 6:00 in the morning before,peuterey uomo outlet, the day dawn,http://www.wearmydiveart.com, families are still sleeping, get up when Yong, living room of my grandfather thought he was on the toilet.

It is estimated that drowsiness disappeared, Yong actually went to the living balcony and floor to fall from the window. Reporters later learned, balcony window has more than one meter from the ground, and across the floor mounted air conditioner frame was scattered pattern, Yong stands about 1.3 meters.

After the incident,http://www.chisa-club.com/cgi-bin/support/mail.cgi, district personnel survey found that 15 floor balcony of the contralateral Yong,moncler giubbotti uomo, 5th floor, 3rd floor,http://www.sa.sakura.ne.jp/~dh/bbs4/lightbbs.cgi, air conditioners outer frame are Pizhen bad. According to reports,chaussures louboutin soldes, the level of the balcony outside the window frame and the air conditioner is only two meters away. It is because of these outer frame will Yong has "commitment" from the only slowed the acceleration of gravity,http://www.phoenix-c.or.jp/~lululu/cgi-bin/opa/apeboard.cgi?command=read_message&msgnum=60/;/, he falls a miracle.

"Mom, I did not mean it!"

First heard the child crying for help is a Morning neighbors. Neighbors must notify security, security came and saw a child lying on the flower stage, and quickly took off his coat covering him, he was cold with fear. Yong said with a faint voice: "Uncle, I lived in the 18-5!" Followed by the fastest messenger security.

Miss Long after son falls get news, still can not believe this is true,giubbotto woolrich, the brain instantly blank. Came downstairs, Yong has gather around a large group of enthusiastic people,http://wx.jazzsynth.com/wxcgi/kizai/sunkizai.cgi?mode=form&no=85&page=, it has been hit 120 and 110. Ms. Long Yong saw the first sentence is: "! Mom, I did not mean to," Miss Long Calei side, while encouraging his son to hold on.

Luckily he passed the critical stage

"Impossible, impossible!" 7:00 that morning too, Yong was taken to Children's Hospital operating room, the doctor involved in the rescue of some do not believe the child fell from the 18th floor, the other patients have also shake dare believe.

Lungs tear, severe limb fracture, right arm bones broken into six cut, also broke his right leg bone ...... doctor immediately intubated,http://www.readfox.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=84600, gave him a breathing machine, and rescue. Over the past three days, Xiao Yongsheng restore stable vital signs. Yesterday morning, the doctor a little excited to announce that fell from the 18th floor of the child to be transferred to a general ward.

"But the need for further treatment." Long Xiao Jun said that the estimated bone surgery performed on Monday, will also accept brain monitoring, "from more than 50 meters high fell,http://www.jpaic.net, how many will be affected to some extent the brain concussion, but he also sober,peuterey donna, just stuck pipe inconvenience speak. "These days, Yong class teachers and students donated 1,000 yuan for his money.

Neighbors said he was a good boy

"I often see him and some of the older and smaller toddlers playing together, and occasionally in the elevator and he politely greet us." Lives in two of the district's Ms Chan said there is good luck.

Ms Chan said, when Yong fell floor, the ground may be the right side of the body, will be laid in the flower bed inside a plastic tube smashed, and this has to a certain extent,piumini peuterey, cushion the direct damage to his body. Currently, police are still investigating the incident.

"Miracle baby" Mom has something to say

Which important safety and aesthetics?

Yong created a unimaginable miracle, and his mother Miss Long, now more concerned about the safety of children living in other high-rise building.

"We were not allowed to install a cell is invisible network security, but I insisted on security,tn pas cher, even if the property management said to fine me for money, I would insist on all the windows except the balcony outside the security of life." Ms. Long said her family the iron gate, a few days ago has been close to a white fine single, property management that she violated the "no installation within the cell invisible security net" requirement. Children after the accident, this fine white single missing.

"Wanderers safety is more important than fine!" Dragon lady looking for property management "theory" a few times, but let her go to the developers, property management, and finally she still insisted on the security of the. Life balcony uneasy invisible security net, originally for drying clothes easy, but things happen son falls, and now she is ready to put all the "hidden" are used invisible security net "seal."

Ms. Long said that,moncler, in theory, her family's railings and window sills are safe, highly enough, but parents can not at any time staring at the child's every move, sometimes children want to take a look at the stool away, sometimes several children will be doing at home games, the slightest mistake, it is prone to danger.

"Education owned education, I think security is more important than appearance." Ms. Long said, and now the city's growing number of high-rise buildings, both teenage boy, teenage or young children, are the focus should be protected groups, "I've seen a lot of kids falls news, but in such a height,abercrombie magasin france, only the most fortunate my son."

Edition text / reporter Chen Jun