plus English test in English reading

Text / reporter Chen Xin Yu

Yesterday, reporters from participating in "the beginning of a small rise,woolrich parka,," all private junior high quality test learned, there Huaying school, an experimental school in Shunde, Guangdong Experimental Middle School, Shunde, Nanhai Experimental High School and a number of schools announced this year's brochures.

Remarkably, the competition for high-school students graduate with the school this year launched a "teacher recommendation system",hogan sito ufficiale, "outstanding student admission exemption" and a series of new policies,nike tn requin, with students increasingly heated battle, all private schools The entrance scholarships have gone up, there are private junior high commitment to apply as long as the school and the first to be admitted, the school will receive 90,000 yuan bonus, and if students in exams and get first place in the district,woolrich milano, but also an additional $ 60,000 prize studies.

For some high-priced private junior high school education department, said the practice of scholarship is not illegal, but to take "reservations" mode phenomenon "trapped" in a high-quality source of primary school graduates before quality evaluation, Foshan City Board of Education official said it had noticed that the signs and has at last Friday issued a document to the district, so that five admissions department conveyed to the school district,, and resolutely stop private junior high school to take a variety of ways,, "playing tricks" trapped quality students.

Snatch war tactics of school students

Tactical one: out of high scholarship

This year's "scholarship" have gone up. Reporters at the Huaying school, an experimental school in Shunde, Guangdong Experimental Middle School, Shunde, Nanhai Experimental High School and other schools in the brochures to see almost all private junior high school freshmen and have launched a scholarship every year. Although some schools did not mention in detail the amount of reward, but the reporter learned from the Office of the South China Sea a private junior high school entrance exam at least the top three kids can get $ 10,000 scholarship.

There are private junior high school in the brochures "price tag" to open a "high price" scholarship amount, including a private school in Shunde brochures said, "where the first choice candidates to participate in my school exams, in a joint exam, score results Before entering the zone 5, school will be given the following awards: the first one is eligible region exam, reward 30,000 yuan per year, 3 year total prize 90,000 yuan; by region exam 2 to 3 per year reward 28,000 yuan, 84,000 yuan award three academic year. "

In addition to school award, the school also set up a "mid-Award" during the reading of the performance reward outstanding students. "The total prize last year amounted to 380,000 yuan mid-term, there are 480 students received the award." The school is responsible for recruitment of teachers told reporters, not only can get rewards outstanding school, the school will also participate in the examination outstanding students to give a one-time award: test score is eligible Shunde first one, will reward 60,000 yuan.

Tactic 2: teacher recommendation entrance examination

Reporters on the website to see some private junior high school, a private junior high school brochures specifically cited the "outstanding student entrance examination," the chapter, which says "no bad behavior, studious disciplined,,parka woolrich, excellent results can be outstanding graduate school by teacher recommendation entrance examination, "the school said the students were recommended to attend school as long as the test results meet admission that made the admission notice, admission procedures.

The "high school was rated good student; high school final examination language, Mathematics,hogan outlet, English fine or three subjects were first,woolrich parka, second, third place; attend university than winners in various competitions,scarpe nike air max," the students can be admitted preferentially .

Shunde brochures on a private junior high school in addition also wrote that those who meet the "primary grades consistently among the best overall performance for outstanding; mathematics Hua Gold Cup first, second, third person; get Foshan city A higher education administrative departments were awarded the honorary title "and many other conditions which, can be accepted in advance. But is early admission students must attend four school entrance exam, in order to determine whether the test scores get scholarships.

Three tactics: the creation of "two outside class", "international class"

Reporters also noted that this year private junior high school also promised to pass the exam to be admitted in the students through the selection, you can enter a variety of "special classes" such Huaying school year, the first attempt to merit students enrolled at the school who started two IGCS international course on the implementation of domestic and international programs track system.

Experimental High School and the South China Sea this year and will continue to offer English experimental class, two classes a total enrollment of 100 students. The experiment, the students need to participate in spoken dialogue, plus English test in English reading,, listening, and written and other aspects. Part of the curriculum of the class bilingual education, and electives in addition to English language of a minority language. "At present, a small language courses offered include Japanese, German and French."

Students snatch war

The parents of the debate

"Such a high scholarship, not the fleece of these schools have more than 20,000 yuan a year tuition ah. There is definitely profitable."

- Nanhai Li Nga Ms. Yao

"Private junior high school itself is market-oriented operation, there is a certain competition, introduction of measures such as scholarship awards nothing wrong. May recommend or entrance examination system, frequently asking for contest prize, a little off the junior secondary education equalization of mind."

- Homeland Liu

"Anyway, no matter what the original must go to take the exam, the high point of scholarship, I'm going to let the children go to try, in case the scholarship exam,, you can also save a lot of money at home."

- South China Sea island Guo

Biogenic snatch strategic context Wars


Less than fight "top student" Min Xiao competitive pressure will be great

"This year, in order to attract more students to enroll a total enrollment scholarships increase from last year's 80,,woolrich uomo,000 yuan to 90,hogan 2014,000 yuan." Admissions Shunde a private school teacher, told reporters that the effect of high prices in recent years, the school established a scholarship obvious, for example, A few years ago the school to hire a student, in every junior high school district rankings, the top five are stable. "These students are likely to win glory for the school in the exams."

For this year, private junior high school students using a variety of tactics to attract high quality candidates circumstances "teacher recommendation system", etc., there is the school of anonymity, told reporters that while the annual "small rise early," joint measurement are attracting many students take the exam, but where scores of top-notch "top student" or belong to their respective schools fight over "scarce resources." With public junior high school can be like "one health indicators" places such as the introduction of educational equalization policy, in the "open market" competitive private junior high school also felt the pressure from peers, public junior high school.

"If the top student was taken away to school to be a champion in the test, the results of the competition will be at a disadvantage." The school responsible person.

Biogenic snatch Wars authoritative statement

Education Department:

Early interception students can not raise scholarship

For some private junior high school to take "reservations" mode phenomenon "trapped" high-quality source of primary school graduates before quality evaluation, Foshan City Board of Education official said, has issued a document on Friday to the districts, five districts require admissions department conveyed to the school, and resolutely stop private junior high school to take a variety of ways, "playing tricks" trapped quality students.

"This way to attract high-quality students to apply can actually affect the normal teaching order in primary schools, primary schools, also raised objections." Foshan City Board of Education official said, has been asked to private schools for the content of brochures amended accordingly to ensure that all schools in the unity of time to apply to participate in the evaluation and admission.

As for private school scholarships of up to $ 90,hogan outlet,000 this year,, the Foshan City Board of Education, said schools attract students to apply for scholarships to launch at the same time,hogan uomo outlet, in fact, some can not afford the expensive tuition for poor students enrolled create opportunities. "It's a lot of competition faced by private junior high school, to survive in the market, since the pro-poor students enrolled, this is understandable." Education department official said.