According to Li Qingyuan speaking

0:00 Today, more than 30 hours away from home Li Qingyuan Shijingshan returned to their homes. Prior to this, leaving a suicide note and let him off the disappearance of family, friends and police fear more than a day.

All this, due to Li Qingyuan hands of an IOU - lent 440,000 yuan earned money has not been back.

Time: July 28 morning

Her husband did not return overnight stay "afterlife Goodbye" suicide note

July 28,, 2010 in the morning, where she serves Shandong old who lives in Shijingshan awoke to find her husband Li Qingyuan night did not return.

Anke feels a bit wrong,punti vendita woolrich milano, because the most recent period for more than 440,000 dollars lent or back,giubbotti woolrich sito ufficiale, Li Qingyuan bad mood, do not have long to find someone to play cards drinking.

In the past year, to 440,000 yuan things, Anke did little to complain about her husband and son, often put him down in silence. Thought here, Anke inevitably some anxious, hurried wake sleeping son, ready to go downstairs to look for.

Inadvertently, she serves on the table found a folded white paper, opened it, turned out to be her husband Li Qingyuan left a suicide note.

"I go, I feel particularly depressed these days, but almost two years ...... ...... ...... also do not come back I do not want to give you and your child as a burden,, and you do not find me ...... there is an afterlife, I listen to your words and never let you worry about angry. "says her husband's name on the suicide note.

Anke was on a suicide note reading dizzy head, just know that crying, or a child to remind her to get to the police station, and to find someone to call relatives and friends.

Soon, some got the news of relatives and friends who went to Li Qingyuan home, visit Anke and children. Immediately, we began looking for Li Qingyuan.

440,000 yuan or huddled against his son back to his wife complain

Anke introduced June 13, 2006, Li Qingyuan by a friend, met the chairman of environmental technology life-qi (Beijing) Co., Ltd. Song. Song said the company's working capital shortages, hoping Li Qingyuan lend part of the company money.

Anke briefed reporters husband Li Qingyuan is a sense of obligation,, as long as there is demand friend never refused. Thus, in the absence of her consent, the husband will be 440,000 yuan lent to the company.

It is understood that after the resignation of Li Qingyuan engage in individual transport by car, these 44 million is giving his morning and afternoon delivery several years she saved.

Anke sad to say, she was a retired worker, less than 2,000 yuan per month pension. More recently, she's been in poor health, suffering from body pain problems, the hospital has been hospitalized twice to send her notice. Because hospital also dig their own part of the money, Ms. He did not go to the hospital.

Ms Ho's son, 25, did not find a suitable job after graduation two years ago, has been to stay home. Now, children engage in a target, the woman want to get married as soon as possible at home. Ms Ho said: "The wedding was in need of money it can borrow the money out or back, you say people are not anxious anxious people."

Thus, a person often quarreled over 40 million of money for this.

Anke often complain Li Qingyuan should not take the money out, and the child is not capable to blame the father of their own money back. Lee pushed for urgent Qingyuan is often angrily said: "I am willing to put money back either way."

I did not expect the evening of 27, her husband disappeared and left a note from home.

Anke began to regret they had not treat stood and lived together for decades husband.

Time: July 28 morning

Conciliation Court has only got one year repayment million

Yang Li Qingyuan have friends,, Li Qingyuan his situation is very clear.

Yang told reporters yesterday morning was started by Li Qingyuan did not expect to get the money will not come back, because he has the other hand issued IOUs,, IOUs repayment deadline is on December 13, 2008.

Who knows, the deadline for repayment, the other really no paying the money. February 26, 2009, in the case of failed repeatedly beg, the life-qi Li Qingyuan Environmental Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd. reported to the Shijingshan court.

After the court under the auspices of Shijingshan, the two sides reached a settlement agreement voluntarily. Life qi company promised before August 31, 2009, Li Qingyuan repay debts totaling 444,500 yuan. But until now, the company before being returned to Li Qingyuan, more than 11,000 yuan debt.

"This result allows Li Qingyuan very disappointed." Yang was told reporters.

Time: July 28 morning

Friends worried excesses company failed to find arrears

Yesterday morning, left a suicide note for the issue, Yang Li Qingyuan will not have to worry because the money back or take drastic action against life-qi companies. Yang told reporters that he hopes to have life-qi companies to look for.

Yang was known within the company's production plant in Shijingshan Yamenkou a market.

When a reporter to follow Yang came to this market have found that life-qi company's production plant closed the door, the door covered with dust. To the people around you ask, everyone says that the workshop has been a long time not produced.

However, an understanding of the company's life-qi told reporters that the company's office is located in Shijingshan city street first special entrepreneurial base,,peuterey catania, Block A 626 number. So, the reporter went to the first and Yang have special entrepreneurial base,moncler giubotti, Block A 626 number, the results still have not found life-qi companies.

Time: July 28 afternoon

The company owed square nowhere find several changes

Reporters in the Shijingshan business sector through informed, life-qi Environmental Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd. has changed its name to paint life-qi (Beijing) Co., Ltd., and the legal representative also changed to Wang.

Yesterday afternoon,air max tn requin pas cher, she serves to offer life-qi paint companies may Jinyu Technology Building, 69 North Road,peuterey donna 2013, Shijingshan Jinding, hoping to get there to see if there reporter Li Qingyuan.

Immediately, the reporter went to the Jinyu Technology Building. Hall told reporters on duty,hogan scontatissime, life-qi paint company in the building's 305 rooms.

When reporters came to room 305 to see is a Carrefour Putnam paint (Beijing) Co., Ltd.

The company's employees said they did not know the person named Li Qingyuan, nor is Li Qingyuan people to them here.

But staff confirmed that the company is now one of the shareholders, but also the life of the paint company's shareholders qi. And the staff here, mostly from the life-qi paint company.

Yang was told reporters, nowhere to find life-qi paint company, is the most recent Lee Qingyuan worried and confused.

Looking for people to worry and run around in,woolrich spaccio veneto, Anke, who spent the day on the 28th.

Time: at 1:00 on July 29

Mentougou mountain in back

Claiming to live very useless

29, at 1 pm, the reporter saw just returned from Mentougou Li Qingyuan mountains. Li Qingyuan disheveled,spaccio woolrich verona, looked tired, the body covered with mud.

Li Qingyuan, said he went to the mountains Mentougou plane. He knows where high mountains and steep slopes, intend to end their lives.

Li Qingyuan, said in the company's life-qi lend money on it that he was simply useless people despise. He said: "Look at the money and other ill wife, children and other money to get married, but I froze to lend or back, you do not say useless useless."

According to Li Qingyuan speaking, he had intended to find a life-qi paint company who die before a scene,, can be taken into account may give his family trouble, give up the idea.

To this end,peuterey revenge, Li Qingyuan left a suicide note, the night before leaving home.

Finally a phone finally give up playing suicide

Li Qingyuan told reporters that he went to a trip to Shijingshan and sea on the north side of the mountain temple. But there are more trees, may not be able to jump to his death.

Li Qingyuan and sea in front of the temple to sit dawn,, and later to the Mentougou mountains.

28 noon,moncler sito, Li Qingyuan climbed the hill. According to Li Qingyuan retrospect, he hilltop in a ditch beside the wall, looking at the distant mountains,woolrich outlet roma, suddenly thought of the years to follow his wife and children, could not help but shed tears.

For a time, Li Qingyuan felt much to tell his wife, the child said, to charged them live well, then turn on the phone, going to his wife, children playing last call. Who would have thought just a boot, wife of the phone call came.

Just one phone connected, Anke had broke down in tears, trying to get the words to say: "You can not die, 400,000 dollars we do not the ......"

Then the son's phone also played over: "Dad, you can not leave us no matter ...... 440 000 dollars on when to call a big blown away."

Since then, the police station the police phone segment children, friends and family are one phone call came.

Li Qingyuan, said: "I've never taken seriously before, I relented, and I promised the wife, the children die, and must live on."

This morning, sitting at home Li Qingyuan, said he would like to open up, not to die to escape responsibility for the family. He said, will be legal as a weapon to recover debts, give an account of his wife and children.

(Paper party pseudonym)

Text / Gazette reporter Qin Shengli