9 o'clock in the morning

"If he promptly gave my salary, I will get back to this mobile phone is also his." Nanny Zhang Yun (pseudonym) claims to wage dissatisfied, they stole the employer a "modest" flip phone. After the owner of the alarm, she was dumbfounded: "I thought of that change of position of your mobile phone,http://www.dl-solutions.com, the value of more than 60,000." Yesterday, Zhengzhou City, the court concluded that the tube from the nanny employers phone theft case,http://ragnarok.g.hatena.ne.jp, found the nanny Zhang Yun's conduct constituted theft of First Instance sentenced him to 10 years in prison and fined 20,000 yuan.

To wage nanny stole his cell phone

48-year-old Zhang Yun home in the countryside, in October 2011, through acquaintances, Mr. Zheng Zhousu came home caregiver. In the same year on December 2, 7 pm, Zhang Yun, make breakfast together, found a silver flip phone placed on the door of the shoe: "I think, did more than 40 days of live, has not given my salary, an angry microwave oven in the kitchen to get caught hiding, ready to back their own use. "

9 o'clock in the morning, they get up Su muttered: "Last night I was drunk, I remember the child on the phone on the shoe, how can not find?" Zhang Yun in the kitchen pretending not to hear, continue to do your own job .

10 am the next day, could not find the phone and asked Mr. Su Zhang Yun,http://www.katena-net.com, Zhang Yun said no, and take advantage of down time to dig carrots, the phone in a plastic bag buried in the pit radish.

Su said his wife reminded, nanny Zhang Yun suspect Max: "nanny said she wronged, could not do it." So, Mr. Su police. Look at the district police surveillance video, in radish pit to extract stolen phone.

According to Su said, this phone is a Nokia VERTU luxury he spent 68,http://www.welt-urlaub.de/cgi-bin/links/add.cgi,000 yuan to buy, as well as invoices.

Nanny jailed for 10 years for theft

"I do not know the phone has so expensive!" The trial,http://www.rastafarispeaks.com/repatriation/index.cgi, Zhang Yun said, "I do not understand the law, he owes wages did not give me,http://www.swiss-list.com, I think this phone will a thousand dollars,http://reseller.web-matrix.jp, just arrived in my wages up. Introduction people say, 10 days made a salary, I think a month you can send 1,800 yuan per month. However, did 44 days,woolrich outlet, he did not mention wages, the total comes to give the New Year. "Zhang Yun said,hogan sito ufficiale, Mr. So she took the phone must be wrong,moncler sito ufficiale, "but I think he turned back to give my salary, I then gave him the phone to get it back."

According to Liu Xuefeng tube District Procuratorate prosecutor said Zhang Yun said the debt issue,spaccio moncler, no relevant evidence. Even as she said Su owed her wages,air max outlet,http://tuonela.s138.xrea.com/lightbbs/light.cgi?res=5827, it does not affect her charges and sentencing. Zhang Yun, so the court of first instance verdict guilty of theft and sentenced her to 10 years in prison and fined 20,000 yuan. According to "Dahe"